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Cloud Computing

SAFE AND RELIABLE: Benefit from top-class networks with Server Housing.

By utilizing our server housing services, you can relocate your servers to our data center. Outsourcing your IT resources provides you access to state-of-the-art security and protection measures. Our server housing services ensure the smooth operation of your processes. Server housing encompasses more than just server placement; it offers scalability, expansion options, and access to our high-quality network.

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"The load distribution on the virtual servers aligns seamlessly with our functional and performance requirements. We could promptly implement ad-hoc configuration adjustments to accommodate unanticipated load scenarios throughout the entire system." - Jack F. Kurfess, Managing Director of the Elbphilharmonie -

Your Requirements Fulfilled! 

Your Requirement: Load Balancing

Our load balancers can effectively manage, distribute, and balance any surges in load. With our server housing offering, you can prevent server outages.

Your Requirement: Scalability and Growth

Enhance collaboration tailored to your exact needs. Particularly in larger customer environments, we strongly advise scalability and expansion

Your Requirements: Cost-Efficiency

Our LoadMasters excel in their tasks. You can forgo the necessity of deploying additional servers and ensure 24/7 accessibility of your applications.



High Availability

Secured Performance

Positive User Experience


When contacting us, your information will be stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in case of follow-up questions. For more information about data protection, please refer to our Privacy Policy.